
Welcome to Simply Wilde - Handcrafted Delights!

I am Sara, a proud resident of Parker, Colorado, and the creative force behind this small family-run business.

With over two decades of experience as a professional graphic designer, I have transitioned into the world of UI/UX design. Drawing inspiration from my design background, I now pour my creative energy into crafting delightful treats and beautiful packaging.

Here at Simply Wilde, family is everything. From my boys helping with packaging to my parents pitching in, it is truly a family affair. Together, we create not just tasty mixes, but moments of joy and connection.

I'm passionate about providing not only delicious treats but also stunning packaging that serves as a centerpiece before being enjoyed. Our treats are a way to bring people together, make memories, and spread joy.

Why are dip mixes so important to me?

They bring people together and create a sense of community.

Living away from family is lonely sometimes. I often get homesick though I would like to share with you one of the things | look forward to.

One of my favorite memories of family get-togethers involves my sister-in-law's dishes. No matter what flavor, even if I had never tried it before, it is addicting.

I usually end up eating until I can not possibly eat another bite. It is a staple at our family events.

There is that special moment when she pulls a dish out of the fridge, sets it on the log bar top, and people start to camp out in conversation around the dip or graze by. I think two things: 1. Did I wear pants that allow me to down this yumminess in front of me? And 2. The joy it brings me to listen to the conversation between the people I love most - my family.

Dip mixes may seem unremarkable, but they represent so much more to me. They bring people together, create memories, and connect us in a way only food can. So the next time you are at a party and see a bowl of dip, remember that it is not just a snack - it is a symbol of love and community.

Sara Willoughby, creator of Simply Wilde

Dedicated to Shelly Roberts